Colorado Governor Vetoes Bill to Extend Private Investigator Licensure Requirements

By Stephanie Irvine

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Most states in the US require that private investigators maintain professional licensure. In fact, as of this publication, only a handful of states currently do not require state private investigator licensure. Private investigation is a profession that involves conducting surveillance, collecting data, and assisting with legal cases, among many other activities that some might consider personally invasive or even illegal if done by the average person. By legally defining the work that private investigators do and having requirements in order to conduct this type of business, states have legitimized the profession and prevented bad actors from infiltrating the industry. Colorado is one of the states in the US that has included such professional requirements.

Overwhelmingly, state licensure has helped promote ethical standards and elevate the profession as a whole. By and large, most PIs see licensure in that manner from the comments we gathered for this article. While Colorado has previously been one of the states with a mandatory professional licensing component in its legislature, the Act requiring licensure is set to be repealed as of September 1, 2020 as a result of a sunset clause and a blocked attempt to extend the Act. This means that …read more

Source:: Private Invest